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Arte Johnson and Budd Friedman

George Schlatter, Alan Sues, Arte Johnson, and Gary Owens

Vivien Kooper, Stephen Plym, Alan Sues, and George Schlatter

Tiny Tim and Mr. Plym

The pop culture phenomenon Tiny Tim was an original, sometimes bizarre and largely misunderstood individual. The new book, Tiny Tim and Mr. Plym: Life As We Knew It, written by Vivien Kooper and Tiny Tim’s friend and manager Stephen Plym, explores the life of this eccentric icon from his frequent guest appearances on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In, singing his hit “Tiptoe Through the Tulips” in a high falsetto and plucking his ukulele to his marriage to Miss Vickie on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. The book gives the reader a first-hand insider’s view, never-before-revealed facts, and secrets about Tiny Tim. George Schlatter, the producer of Laugh-In, who wrote the book’s forward, said, “Tiny Tim. He had more secrets than can ever be told in one book. He was a true original—a kind, gently, talented, romantic, deeply religious person and a true gentleman. This book captures all of that and more. Best of all, he was my friend.” A tribute to Tiny Tim and a celebration of the new book was hosted at The Improv in Hollywood. Attendees included George Schlatter, Alan Sues, Arte Johnson, Gary Owens and Budd Friedman. The night included a panel discussion of the new book. The audience enjoyed food and wine while laughing over memories of Tiny Tim’s idiosyncrasies and celebrating his interesting life.












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